Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Will I ever post again?

Oh My, it has been crazy around here! Non-stop everything. Will I ever post again. Evan had the biggest tantrum of his life this morning because I would not let him have a bowl of raisin bran. He has never even had raisin bran, how does he know that he will even like it. I wanted to put something nasty in my bowl and give him a big bite, just to show him. But I couldn't find anything close enough. So I ate my raisin bran and listened to him scream. Then 20 minutes later he asked for a piece of peanut butter toast, like no big deal!! Now we are getting ready to go to the pumpkin patch in the 80 degree weather. We'll need both bug spray and sun tan lotion today! I need to go, I smell the sweet aroma of 2 dirty diapers! Have a good day. I promise I will post later, and I will have good stuff, because I am giving both the boys haircuts tonight. I was reading about the clippers last night while the boys were in the bath tub. Evan sees what I am looking at and he says "Nicky first mommy'. Doesn't want to share a single toy with his brother, but wants to make sure he gets the worst haircut! Sweetie!

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