Monday, October 1, 2007

Happy Monday

Well lets see, what is going on today. I woke at 1:30 am and went back to sleep for an hour at 7 am. So when I put Evan down today at 2, I thought I would try and catch some shut eye. That is if I could get to sleep with the sound of Dolores snoring! Anyway, I did fall asleep in the chair with Nick on my lap. He is a horrible napper and practically the only way to get him to take a nap is to let him sleep on me. So that is what I did today, I was so tired. So we were snoozing in the chair, Grandma Doe was snoozing on the couch. I was having a dream about a hot day at the beach, I could even feel the warm waves rolling onto my bronzed size 6 body! Then I woke up and Nicholas was peeing on me. I swear with his unit, if you don't have it laying the right way in his diaper, he can pee right out the leg of his diaper.

Ok, it only took me 4 hours to get this posted. Too many interruptions today!

1 comment:

rara said...

Oh. My. God.

Did I need that laugh or what?