Friday, February 22, 2008

Wow, we survived Florida or should I say ...

Florida survived us! We are back in the snow! UCK UCK UCK UCK UCK

Can I say that enough?

We had such a great trip. Where should I start? The boys were amazing on the flight down, truly amazing. They both were awake the whole flight, but no crying or screaming from either of them, what a relief for Mike and I.

Mike had reserved a mid-size car for us. Well lets see, one double stroller, 3 suitcases, 2 kids, 2 car seats, 2 adults, 4 carry on bags and we are going to cram all this stuff in a Pinto. After we waited 30 minutes for the second car seat, in the heat, in our long pants, without lunch, with 2 small boys, in a parking garage, I calmly suggested to Mike that maybe we should try and switch to a mini-van. I swear my husband has a good job and is really smart, but sometimes, he is such a guy. Like why would I want to get a bigger car when it will be so much more fun to try and cram all of this stuff into the arrangements that I have already made? The boys were being extremely good, especially since they had been surviving all day on animal crackers and water.

We spent almost 4 days at Disney, the weather was cool when we first arrived. But it was nice enough that we did not need gloves, boots, scarfs, 3 layers and a jacket. So I was able to deal with long sleeves for a few days. Mike had all his work stuff to do, so I decided that since I am a first time mom that I should take both the boys into the Magic Kingdom by myself! Before I had children if someone would have told me that they did that, I would have thought what is the big deal? But since I have become a mom, if someone told me that they did that, I would think I wonder what is wrong with that person? Well, I have become that person. I had the 150 lb double stroller, so that was a giant help. Nick of course fell asleep on the monorail and when we got into the park, Evan said that all of the rides were too scary. But that did not stop me! I quickly decided what we would love to go on. Woke poor little Nicky up and off we went. We went through the Winnie the Pooh ride first, which basically just was sitting in a giant honey pot and listening to Pooh music. After the ride was over, Evan told me it was scary. I can't wait until he is older and I can tell him what a little chicken he was. Since they were out of the stroller, we went on the Dumbo ride, with a 10 minute delay. As soon as we get in an elephant, the ride will not work. I am convinced they are going to go from elephant to elephant and ask our weight. I will then be removed from the ride, forced to get on a giant Disney scale for the whole park to see, to confirm that I actually do weigh 125. But that did not happen, so we just got to sit still for 10 extra minutes. Well, as still as you can get with 2 little ones in an elephant. They liked that ride, thank God. Then we went on the merry-go-round, loved that one. Then the 3d theatre was right there, so we ducked in. That was a long wait, 15 minutes, Evan wanted me to hold him the entire time. Everyone was looking at me, like I wonder when her husband is going to show up, he must have got held up in the bathroom? We finally get into the 3d show. I explain to Evan that he needs to wear these glasses, he puts them on no problem. The show starts, it was pretty cool. Nick did not wear the glasses. He was holding on to me so tight and he was probably watching the show with one eye open. Evan started breathing very heavy, I thought for sure he was falling asleep. All I could think was, how in the heck am I going to get both of these guys out of the theatre. Thankfully he was not asleep, just very excited. About 10 minutes into the show, he took off his glasses, too scary for him. After that show, since we had waited so long and Evan had examined every single thing on the floor, I ran them both to the bathroom. Trying to get some of the scum off of them. I knew there would be some germs at Disney, so I was trying to not be such a freak about it. Ok, I am fine. Then Evan wants to go on the Dumbo again, I can handle that. So we get back in line, no big deal, it says 3 minutes, that means 6. So we are standing there, I am holding Nick the entire time, thank goodness he only weighs 20 pounds. Evan is once again exploring the floor, I keep telling him no. Then he seems to be standing up-right for a time, so I am happy about that. Then I get in front of him and he has the hand rope that EVERY SINGLE GRIMY KID in Disney has had their hands/mouth on in HIS MOUTH. I thought I was going to lose it! OMG Fast forward to Evan, Nick and mommy getting sick in Sanibel! We made it through. I was so tired, we were getting ready to leave the park, and what did Evan spot. The train that goes around the park. My little Thomas guy had to ride the train. So we got on the train, that was a nice 20 minute ride. We sat as close as possible to the engine, so we could see all the smoke and such. He loved that. Then we walked back to the hotel. It was only a 7 minute walk. Or a 35 minute wait for the monorail and then the thought of getting the stroller on there, no thanks.

We arrived back at the hotel at 7, did a quick diaper change. Mike was in the room in 2 minutes telling me that the Lu-al started at 7:30. Oh boy! We made it. The boys crashed around 9, they were so tired, so was mommy.

The best part of the whole day was when we actually walked into the park. I know that the boys had no idea what a big deal Disney is, but I sure do. Here I am, pushing these beautiful boys down such a magical street and it feels like I am in a dream. Just one year ago at Disney, Evan and I were getting ready for breakfast when I received the call that were approved to go and pick up Nick, now here we are one year later walking into the Magic Kingdom. Tears were flowing for me.

I will post more late, I need to go to bed.


One Busy Momma said...

I'm so glad you have a great time at Disney!!!!!
Your ending brought tears to my eyes!!!!! Such a great expierence I'm sure!!!

btw... Luisa was born on 7-17-07!
Do you believe in arranged marriages??? *grin*

Donna said...

Yes I do!!! I am so happy for you guys. Lets try to get together this summer with all the kids! I would love it!
