Wednesday, February 27, 2008

There is an Angel in New Buffalo ...

I swear there was just a real Angel in my driveway. You see, I was sitting at my computer, trying to convince myself to go out and shovel the 18 inches of snow out of the driveway, for my dear husband. I just thought maybe I will balance the checkbook one more time, or look through our Florida pictures one more time, then I will get right on that driveway. The boys are both napping, so mommy has tons on energy, right. So I am sitting here trying to think where are my snow pants, my boots, my warmest gloves and hat. And what do I hear, but the sweetest Angel sound you could imagine. It was a snowplow in my driveway! Not just any Angel but the most wonderful Paul Angel. This guy has been such a blessing to us this winter. Here is our house this morning. I am standing in the window with a hot cup of coffee, Mike took this before heading off to work. I had high hopes of taking the boys out today, but stuck my head outside and it is just still too cold. The boys are still not totally back to normal. I don't want them any sicker, trust me. So back to my Angel, what should I do for him? I want to send him something to let him know just how much I appreciate his generosity. I love this town, can you imagine having a snowplow Angel in Chicago?

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