Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's still snowing.

Hi, I haven't posted in a few days, I have been out of sorts. My favorite uncle, Uncle Bob is in the hospital in Florida and he is not doing very good. My mom and dad are down there with him. I get to talk to my mom once in awhile, but she is so stressed out, I can hear it in her voice. I just want to jump on the next plane and get down there to be with her. So say a prayer for my Uncle Bob, please. He is 83 years old and had to have open heart surgery twice this week. The Dr. says his heart is good now, but his body is so weak. So just pray for him if you would.

Oh, and it's still snowing here, well I guess it has stopped now. It was snowing when I started typing, the boys were napping and I had a few minutes. Now they are both up and watching a Thomas video, that is 'too scary' per big strong Evum. Got to get them some apple.

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