Tuesday, November 6, 2007

2 to 3 lbs lighter ...

No, not me, I am gaining by the minute. I am talking about this little cutie. This is him this morning around 7 am when we had him in his little hospital gown. He was such a trooper, poor kid. I just changed the first diaper and he is hurting bad. I don't remember Evan hardly crying at all, and for sure the next day he was totally back to normal. But then we have Nicky, he is not built the same as big brother, shall we say. He only wants Mike to hold him, it's like he is telling me 'you don't get it mom'. So I have balanced the check book, paid all the bills, sent e-mails, and now I am blogging. I am kid free today. It is so quiet in this house without Evan here, I do not like that at all. When my mom and dad were taking him yesterday, he is staying at their house until Friday! I was putting him in his car seat and kissing him about a million times, I guess I hovered a bit too much, my precious little boy said to me, 'hit the button that makes the door close'. I was holding back tears and he is ready to be on the road! So I let Nick play with all of his trains last night, I will show him. So add Nicky's penis to your prayers tonight, he has an ooowie.

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