We had such a nice weekend, didn't take any pictures to post, but I can tell you all about it.
Started out at 5 PM Friday night, I was headed outside to plant some flowers when Mike came in the house and said that I had better take a shower, we were having guests over at 5:30! Thank God the house was semi clean! I rushed to shower and bathe the boys, get them dressed and back downstairs. I was still sweating when we sat down for dinner at 8. Had a great meal, Mike fixed everything, I just drank yummy sangria, so healthy. We sat outside until it threatened rain, then inside for more drinks and food. Had a great evening!
Saturday morning, we were up and picking up the house and doing laundry. The laundry that I was supposed to do the night before! Anyway, got out of here around 11:30, went to Wabash. They were having their annual Strawberry Fest, yeah. So we went to Diane's store and just sat around. Fed the boys crackers and strawberry cookies for lunch, I am such a good mom! Then we got invited to be in the strawberry parade. So we had to dress up like strawberries and ride in this giant strawberry float. No just kidding. We rode in the back of an antique pick up truck with some friends and threw candy to all the screaming kids along the parade route. Evan could not figure out why we were throwing candy out instead of eating it! It was 100 degrees and we were in the back end of a 'old' truck without a canopy, it was hot. I kept waiting for the truck to break down and then we would be pushing it through the parade! We survived, sugar and all.
Then that night Dimitri had his final dance recital. It was so wonderful. They did a special tribute to Dimitri because it is his senior year. I loved it! He is such a good singer, dancer, actor, everything. His stage presence is amazing. Lots of tears were shed, but I was bursting with pride. I can't even imagine how Diane and Conrad must of felt! Dimitri is such a great kid and so grown up, now he is off to college. And so handsome! Wow, watch out ladies, here he comes!
Sunday we played golf with my dad for Father's Day. The weather was perfect, the company was perfect, it was a great day. Diane played golf for only the second time ever, and she sunk a 35 foot putt!! We played a scramble and beat the guys, yeah for the girls and dad. Then we went back to mom and dad's and ate, and ate, and ate. Mom made her fried chicken, it is so good. I have tried about 7 times to make it like hers, mine usually gets a 'good try honey' from Mike, but it never gets eaten. Oh well, keep trying. We had cake and presents for my birthday and Father's day. Nice day all around. Then we got in the pool. Evan loves the water, so that is a no-brainer. Nick is not such a fan, he just wanders around the outside of the pool. I got in finally, it was so nice. We talked about spending another night, but we decided to head back, it is always so nice to wake up in your own bed after a big weekend.
We watched the weather station and knew that we would be headed into some bad weather, it was really bad. Evan fell asleep as soon as we got into the car. When we got into the really bad part of the storm, I looked back at Nick, his eyes were as big as saucers. I was trying not to puke myself, now I am riding backwards looking at him, trying to sing silly songs about the rain. I was very happy when we were out of the clouds.
So happy to be home in Mayberry. When I put Evan down last night, I was just looking at him and thinking how lucky I was. Here today is my birthday and Father's day and we had such a wonderful time, we are so fortunate. So I read Evan his book, then just sit there and talk a little bit with him. He is fiddling with my watch, no big deal. So I look at him and say, 'do you know what?' He just looks up at me with those giant brown eyes. I say "I love you so much.' He looks at me and says 'I love you wots mommy.' I am so happy, I say to him that I love him lots too. He says, 'no mommy I love you wots.' I tell him that I love him lots too. He says very strongly, No Mommy, I love your wots' and he points to my watch! Oh, true love!
Now I need to get back outside and plant my flowers!!