Thursday, August 28, 2008
How did this happen so fast?
How can it be?
We just came home from pre-school orientation for Evum!
When did he get old enough for school?
When did he get potty trained? He loves to tell EVERYONE that he can now poop in the toilet!
When did all of this happen?
Here is a picture taken of him tonight, sitting on Daddy's lap reading a Thomas book. We had just gotten back from school and he was hungry, wanted a PB&J sandwich and milk. He did wear clothes to school, but I made him get undressed to eat, I do enough laundry everyday! This other picture was taken of him at 5 months in Guatemala. It is still one of my favorites of him, he looks so Evan! I thought for sure he would be going through a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread every morning, but he has slimmed down quite a bit. Could be my cooking, nah!!
Today we went to MC to buy supplies for NB, diapers .. but only for Nick, YEAH. So we are at a stop light and there are these motorcycles next to us, so I say to the boys look at the big bikes. One of the guys has a doo-rag thingy on his head, whatever you call those things. Evan looks at him and says, 'he must be going to a pirate ship'. Then we get to the giant grocery store and I am letting both of the boys walk, so Evan is 10 feet in front of me and Nick is just lumbering along, ho-hum. So I get a cart and can still see Evan while Nick just kinda walks around the corner. Well I figure no big deal, he NEVER walks fast. So when I come around the corner all 28" of him has disappeared. I just say 'Nick, where are you', trying to not sound alarmed. Well then 3 seconds have gone by and all of the racks are high and no sight of my little guy. So I say in a much louder voice, 'NICK, NICK, NICK', trying not to totally freak Evan out. I turn around and still no Nick. I see this clerk about 50 feet away, I was just about ready to tell her to do a lock down on this entire store because I can't find my little boy, when he just kinda wanders out from 'somewhere'. Totally freaked me out. I told Mike he was only out of my entire sight for 5 seconds max, but I was ready to shut down the store. Can't imagine if something really scary would happen.
Just thought of something on a lighter note, as I have my little Nicky on my lap as I try to type. We were walking over to the school tonight and my wonderful husband the brain surgeon was telling me a story that happened at work today. It still makes me laugh. He was talking about somebody talking about what their kid learned in kindergarten and the kinds of paperwork they send home for the kids to do. So Mike the brain surgeon tells this guy that Evan can already read! What the heck are you talking about? Mike actually thought that Evan could read, because Evan has so many of his books memorized. OMG, how funny is that?
On a much lighter note, I just noticed that the new shirt I wore to school tonight is not buttoned up in the back. I bet the other moms are still talking about it. Holy crap. I was worried about Evan wetting his pants, and I am half dressed for his new teacher. Thank goodness this is NB!
Gotta get these guys to bed.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Nick is 2!!
Nicholas is 2! And I am finally posting again, we have been so busy, can't imagine if I had a job, would I get anything done??
We had a great party for Nicholas, had to have a Thomas the Train party for him, even though we did the same thing for Evan. Poor little guy will be following in Evan's footsteps for everything, but I guess that is an advantage of having a big brother. We had 12 kids and I lost count of the adults, but I think a good time was had by all. I figured since this house is covered with toys and Nick does not have a clue yet, that we would ask for donations for a needy Guatemalan family instead of more toys. I think it went over great, our guests donated over $300.00!!! I think that is great! I received a very nice thank you from the site, $300 goes a long way in Guatemala. Maybe some of it will be used for the family of the little girl that didn't get to grow up in Mayberry. I swear even on my craziest days, which are many, I would still open our home to another Guatemalan angel. But don't let me go there, too depressing. My mom and dad are the best! They gave Nick a check for $50, and in my dad's gruffest, sweetest voice said, 'we are giving him $50 like we do every birthday, you can do with it what you want'. Too funny. If you go to the site, they are posting Nick's picture. She said it would be on by tomorrow.
Mike and the boys walked to the store to get MORE milk. We need to get a cow for the backyard. I swear, these guys drink 1/2 gallon everyday! So we are constantly at the store, oh well, it's good daddy time. Today we caught a caterpillar in the back yard. Evan is all about bugs. We have a giant wasp that is sleeping in the kitchen, that they like to look at. We have a cricket that is actually still alive after 3 days. They have it in this little container and they love to carry it around the house and then show it to everyone who comes over, poor little bug. Then today the caterpillar, it is kinda cool looking. I did a search on the web to see what kind it is and what it would eat, I did not realize there were so many different kind of 'pillars. Evan named him Cal, so we will see how long he lasts. It is always an adventure in the back yard. I told Mike that we used to have fun in the hot tub out there, now we are collecting bugs and playing in the sand box! Oh well, I love it!
Evan's potty training is going great, thanks to my mom. She potty trained him while Mike and I were having fun in Mexico. But he does not like to go #4, that's what he calls #2. So I am dealing with that, but the peeing is a breeze. And he has a million penis questions!!! Everyday, every minute ... and he constantly has to remind me that I do not have one. Lots and lots of questions!
Gotta run, I hear them coming in the back door. Time for dinner!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Potty training??
Well I kinda attempted the potty training thing. We were outside and they were in the sandbox in their diapers, then Evan's diaper just suddenly came off, that is how he puts it. So then they were naked and I talked Evan into going to the bathroom outside, I thought maybe if he could see what was going on ... who knows? Anyway, after he did go, he was very excited, then he wanted big boy underpants on. So I let him pick out what he wanted to wear, he picked Batman. Even though we have Thomas underwear, kinda weird for my totally Thomas boy. Maybe he did not want to get Thomas dirty! So of course, then Nick has to have underwear on too, they were hanging off of his little body! The boys decided it would be fun to get the sand all wet and then throw it all over themselves, so that is what they did. They love to come into the house still wet, so my house is always full of sand. I'm going to replace my dining room table with beach chairs!
Oh well, my house is never clean! Every window has finger smudges starting at about 3 foot and down. Yesterday I was on the couch trying to just relax for 5 minutes before I went to get my pedicure, ha. Anyway, I told the boys 'just play with your trains and let mommy lay here on the couch for 10 minutes.' All was good for about 5 minutes, I was dreaming about Donny Osmond, when I heard what sounded like a big bird hitting the window. They sometimes do that, and then they kinda fall asleep outside the window, so we have to remove them quickly. So I hear this big noise and I get right up, both the boys are standing right there by the french doors and Evan says that there is a bee in the house. So I look at what he is pointing at, it is a fly, rather large, but not a bee. I look down at them and ask them what that loud sound was, Evan says calmly, 'Nicky threw his sippy cup at the bee.' Thank goodness he was not playing with one of his dump trucks at the time. Geez!
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